Be A Minute-Taking Expert
Develop the valuable skill of making meetings matter by becoming a minutes expert.
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Undocumented meetings are generally a waste of time, talent, and money. Poorly-documented meetings are a liability. If your organization holds meetings, you should invest in learning to take effective meeting minutes. The Minutes Expert Class contains the lessons from a dozen years writing, reading, and managing meeting minutes and will:
- Walk you through the prepartion for effective minute-creation.
- Show you how to take great notes in meetings and turn those notes into minutes.
- Make the job easy by providing tested sample documents, checklists, and templates.
Minute taking is a great skill to have on your resume and in your annual review. Take the free sample lesson to find out if this class is right for you. Minutes Expert comes with a 30-day money back guarantee so there is no risk.
In two hours, you can know the basics of taking great meeting minutes, have the templates and tools for doing it, and a certificate of achievement and a personalized report-card on your performance—proof that you are an expert minute taker.
Your Instructor
I was named after a radio station, which required me to work in radio for a few years before getting bachelor and masters degrees in theatre. After a decade or so in the arts, I got kids, a mortgage, and a "real job" that sometimes seems to consist almost entirely of attending meetings, writing and answering email, and commuting.
So what do I teach? Attending (and holding) effective meetings, writing meeting minutes, managing email, and commuting (by bicycle, of course).
Frequently Asked Questions
A Letter from Kwin
Creator of the Minutes Expert Course
Minutes Make Meetings Matter
I started my new job on a Monday. On Thursday I was in Seattle attending a board meeting—it was a baptism of fire and my meeting minutes were unreadable, unclear, and really, really long (30 pages or more). It took a month to get them typed up and part because nobody wanted to read them.
And, in fact, nobody did. They were useless. All that time and effort was wasted.
But more importantly, the work of the board and the organization suffered. Because the minutes were so bad, assignments fell through the cracks. Important points got overlooked and forgotten and feelings were hurt. In a more litigious or confrontational environment, people could have been fired or sued over the stuff that got missed.
Unfortunately, this is the norm. In the United States an estimated 11 million formal meetings are held everyday, and the majority of these will either not be minuted or be documented so poorly that they might as well have not happened. That's a shame because good people are giving up their valuable time for these meetings and not getting much out of them.
I created the Minutes Expert Course because as I've taught classes on a variety of efficiency topics, people keep wanting to know more about minutes. It's as if they know that documenting minutes will make their sacrifice in attending meetings somehow worth it.
In the Minutes Expert Course, I give you all the tools and training you need to make minutes that are valuable, meaningful, and actionable.
Check out the free preview section (The Four Questions You Must Answer) and then join me inside the course.
See you soon!
Kwin Peterson